Candidate for Aspen Mayor
Katy is a successful business owner, engaged public servant, and dedicated mother of two. She has served
on the Aspen School District Board of Education
and supported her husband Adam in his two bids
for Congress.
Katy believes Aspen’s best years are ahead. With thoughtful, engaged, and competent leadership, Aspen can continue to put people first and find ways to create results for everyone living in our favorite town.
What will Katy focus on?
Fixing the Castle Creek Bridge and not ceding control of the Marolt Open Space to State Agencies.
Ensuring policies for community-appropriate managed growth consistent with the Aspen Area Community Plan.
Developing the Armory Building into a local-focused Community gathering space.
Continuing Aspen’s position as a leading environmental steward.
“I will work tirelessly for all Aspen residents, four-legged friend included!
Katy, Padme’s mom