Katy Frisch has resided in Aspen for over twenty years. She is the former President and Board Member of the Aspen School District Board of Education. She previously served as President and Board Member for the Aspen Valley Ski and Snowboard Club, as well as held positions on the boards of Aspen Public Radio, the Aspen School District Financial Advisory Board, and the Roaring Fork Youth Orchestra. She is a Tuesday night Thrift Store volunteer.

Katy and her husband, Adam, are proud parents of two teenagers, Felix and Quintessa, and their dog, Padmé.  She grew up ski racing and spends as much time as possible in our beautiful outdoors, including alpine and Nordic skiing, skinning, hiking, biking, and playing golf and pickleball, and is an aspiring amateur chef.

Aspen's Best Days Are Ahead.

Aspen's Best Days Are Ahead.